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    Cosmic Technology is a small, independent website that is designed to provide information about space and aeronautics. I hope to educate people about these technologies and create articles that are different from anything else found on the internet, but I mostly just do this for fun and to gain experience with writing, research, and web design. 

This website is run mostly by me, Nathan. I am based in the United States and have no professional credentials related to any of the topics that I cover. All of this information was written and edited by me, except for the Mars’ Moons page, which was written by co-author Teaghan. I started this website in March of 2021 and since then, it hasn’t grown much. I got listed on Google that same year and since then I have been slowly building my search presence.

    This website was made using All of the information on this website is accurate to my knowledge. Most of the photos on this website belong to someone else, and they are to my knowledge properly credited. Some images are uncredited and come from Wix’s photo collection. If a photo is credited to Cosmic Technology, then it can be reused anywhere on the internet as long as a link is provided to the page it comes from on my website.


If you found any typos, inaccuracies, or errors, or have a suggestion for a page or blog post please send me a message on my contact page.

Even if you just want to express appreciation, I would love to hear from you.

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